Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Karena nila setitik rusak susu sebelanga

peribahasa "Karena nila setitik rusak susu sebelanga" cocok bgt sama apa yg aku lakuin.
aku kehilangan hard disk external dg data sebesar 200gigabyte. data tu berupa musik, foto dan film. gara2nya aku salah nyolokin adaptor listrik ke HDD tu. HDD tu punya colokan yg sama dg laptop ku, tp voltasenya beda, latop 20V, tp HDD 12V. beda 8V emang kecil kalo diliat angka doank, tp itu cukup bikin HDD ku rusak, belum lg beda ampere nya. untungnya sih masi garansi, n bbrp koleksi MP3 ku ada teman2 yg menkopinya. yach, semoga bsk2 aku lbh teliti lagi....

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Heroes season 3 coming soon

Pertama kali tau serial heroes ni, aq bingung sbnrnya... apa sich maksud dr serial ini. tp skr stlh nonton 2 season penuh, aq br bs ngerti. singkatnya bs dibilang kalo serial ni emang njlimet tp seru. serial ni bercerita ttg orang-orang yg mempunyai kemampuan khusus yg dg sengaja atau tdk sengaja dipertemukan satu dan yg lainnya, dan disanalah konflik dan cerita itu dimulai... sampai sekarang sudah selesai 2 season... season 3 akan dimulai sktr akhir bulan september 2009 ini di NBC... jd yg di indonesia tunggu aja bajakannya.... hehehehe.... bknnya tdk menghargai hasil karya, namun begitulah realita yg terjadi di indonesia, realita akan barang-barang bajakan... kalo qt tdk mengikuti arus itu, kita jg yg mati, hehehe.... jd tunggu saja kelanjutan serial heroes ini... saya usahakan utk mengupdate ttg serial heroes ini di blog ini...

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Dimana sih download MP3 ???

pertanyaan ini bnyk kali aq denger.. sbnrnya download mp3 yg gratis tu susah2 gampang. kalo ga ngerti cr download n cr nya make rapidshare, ya susah...
knp sih hrs rapidshare, krn banyak orang yg upload file nya kesini. prinsipnya disini, ada website yg nyediain katalog nya, dan ada website yg nyediain file nya saja.
nah gini salah satu contohnya :
1. buka forumw.org (harus daftar jd member dulu)
2. cr bagian music
3. disini kamu bs liat lagu apa ja yg ada
4. bs jg pake fungsi search, masukin kata kuncinya, dan pilih kategori music.
5. kemudian stlh km dpt apa yg dicari, dibuka salah satu.
6. nah setelah itu kamu bakal dikasi tau link ke rapidshare, tmpt si empunya file naruh filenya.
7. copy paste link nya itu.
8. stlh msk rapidshare, pilih premium ato free, kalo ga punya account rapidshare, pilih free, tp dg konsekuensi lambat kecepatannya
9. nah nanti tunggu sbntr, lalu pilih download.

secara sekilas mungkin itu yg bs aq jelasin. nanti aq akan cb untuk lbh terperinci lg...
nanti aq susun cara2 nya bagaimana....


bagi tmn2 yg sering download pake rapidshare, lbh baik beli account premium. ga rugi koq. 105rb per bulan. keuntungannya speed lbh cepat, download bs di pause/resume, bs pake download manager. knp aq blng ga rugi, coz aq bs internetan gratis, jd aq bs pause/resume downloadnya, sesuai keinginan. daftar aja di idrapid.com ini reseller resmi rapidshare di indonesia. kalo yang lain pasti ga resmi. dijamin puas deh..


ga nyangka bisa dapet tugas co-ass a.k.a DM di lumajang. sbnrnya dl pingin sidoarjo, biar deket ma sby, tp apa kata undian menyatakan kalo aq dpt di lumajang. tp gpp.
stlh hmpr 2 bln di lumajang, bnyk kesan2 yg aq tangke dr kota ini.
lumajang dlm kata2 yg singkat : dingin, tenang, dan ramah.
cuaca disini lumayan dingin kalo dibanding sm surabaya tmpt aq kmrn kul. kotanya tenang, jauh bgt kalo dibandingin ma sby, mall ma bioskop ja ga ada, hehehe... hiburan terdekat tu paling deket di jember. bs dibilang kalo jember tu mirip ma lumajang. jember jaraknya 1jam dari sini. trus orang2 disini, terutama yg aku temui sehari2 di RSD dr.Haryoto, emang ramh dan kekeluargaan bgt. ya tu satu hal yang jarang bs didaptin di ota2 besar ky surabaya.
1 hal yg bikin aq kaget, tv disini kalo pake antena biasa cm bisa nangkep RCTI, Indosiar, SCTV, dan tentunya TVRI tercinta, hehehe.... jadilah aq pasang indovision krn jalur tv kabel ga lewat dpn rumah. ktnya orang2 sih, tv kabel disini dibilang tv keleran, tv yg kabelnya di keler kemana2... pdhl sbnrnya aq lbh penting internet.
untungnya, di RS ada wi-fi gratis, thank's to UWKS yg dah nyediain, lumayan cepet lagi...
yach... sejauh ini aq sangat tdk menyesal tinggal disini, dg begini lbh bnyk pengalaman hidup yg aq dpt, drpd hrs jd jago kandang di bali, hehehehe.....
nanti kalo aq dah Sp, sesuai dg keinginan ku, antara SpJP, SpOG, SpB?, aq dg senang hati kalo ditempatkan lagi di lumajang.

Lumajang.... Banana Rock City!!!!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Tiësto : In Search of Sunrise 6 Ibiza

Ni dia album mix terbaru dari tiesto, in search of sunrise 6 ibiza. aku kemarin ni download ni album (200MB) dari torrentspy, trus aku pake flashget. ga nyesel banget deh ma ni album. enak bgt didengerin kapan aja...

ni ada penjelasan mengenai apa isi ni album. dikutip dari tiesto.com

"as you all know from the announcement two weeks ago, my new mixcompilation In Search Of Sunrise 6 will soon be released. I am very proud to present the CD to you all. I went to Ibiza last June for inspiration after two years of absence and I have to say that the island is still very magical to me. There are so many beautiful, secret spots to discover and the parties at the clubs are still crazy and energetic. So to make sure that I would capture the love and dedication I feel for the island, I just had to go back for the proper inspiration. It's with modesty that I can tell you that now I know for sure that 'ISOS 6' earned it to be called 'Ibiza'!

I mixed the album a couple of weeks ago in the old-fashioned way, which means that I didn't use any programs or computerized gadgets for it. I worked with CD-players for the mix. Most of the tracks are so exclusive that, if I'd still be mixing with records, I wouldn't have been able to get those productions on vinyl!

Let me take you through the tracks;

ISOS 6 - CD 01

01. Es Vedrá - Hacienda
This is a real Balearic intro to put you in the Ibiza mood.

02. Glenn Morrison – Contact
I played this track at the Gelredome during my Tiësto in concert gig and people loved it. I wanted to put this one on this CD as a great memory of that night.

3. Andy Duguid featuring Leah - Don't Belong
A new talent from England from who we will hear a lot more in the future.

4. Solaris Heights – Vice (Sydenham Dub)
Very warm and soulful track that fits very well on the album.

5. Global Experience – Madras
Great producer from Germany who delivers the ultimate Ibiza feeling with this track.

6. Leonid Rudenko - Summerfish (Scandall Sunset On Ibiza Mix)
The title says it all. Such a warm but still energetic track; it makes me happy when I listen to this one.

7. Clear View featuring Jessica - Tell Me
Nice, mysterious house track with sexy vocals.

8. The Veil Kings - Searching For Truth
A beautiful, happy Balearic guitar track.

9. Ohmna - The Sun'll Shine (Sunrise Mix)
Amazing track I received of one of the house godfathers Johan Groenewegen. This DJ/producer gives me only a couple of tracks a year but they are always special and he delivers high quality.

10. Moonbeam - See The Difference Inside (Inside Mix)
Very original vocals and production from Russia.

11. Allure featuring Julie Thompson - Somewhere Inside Of Me
A track we did with Julie Thompson. She does a live performance of the song in our Elements Of Life tour around the globe and it's going down very well!

12. Taxigirl - High Glow
A sparkling track with a beautiful vocal.

13. Reeves featuring Alanah - Lonely
Very warm and emotional production. I get goosebumps whenever I hear it.

14. Imogen Heap - Hide & Seek (Tiësto's In Search Of Sunrise Remix)
This song won't be released on any other CD ever. We made it especially for this volume of In Search Of Sunrise and it's a perfect track to end the first disc of the mix.

ISOS 6 – CD 02

1. Steve Forte Rio - A New Dawn
A special melody to open a set with, very original.

2. Nic Chagall - What You Need (NC's In Love With Prog Mix)
There are two great mixes of this track but this one is my favorite for the CD.
In a big room or arena I would play the harder mix.

3. Marc Marzenit - Trozitos De Navidad (Primavera Remix)
A typical Tiësto track with great string pads.

4. John Dahlbäck - Don't Speak
A special and mysterious track with a unique and moody sound.

5. Deadmau5 - Arguru
A producer and fresh talent from Canada, we will hear a lot from this guy in the following years.

6. First State featuring Anita Kelsey - Falling
Big tune on the dancefloor. House beats with trance, a perfect combination!

7. Jonas Steur featuring Jennifer Rene - Fall To Pieces
Very nice production of Jonas, it's a big hit at the moment.

8. JES - Imagination (Tiësto Remix)
My remix of one of my favorite singers. Fits perfectly on the album.

9. Tom Cloud - Mercury Room
I am getting a little more trancy and deeper at the end of this CD, starting with this track.

10. Marcus Schössow - Chase My Rabbit
Great track which has everything: it's energetic, melodic and original.

11. Maor Levi - Reflect
A warm track with great vocals. It's been around for a while but definitely worth it to be on ISOS 06.

12. Progression - Different Day, Different Light
The best track of their debut album.

13. Jedidja - Dancing Water
We made this track especially for the water piece in our Elements Of Life show. You can hear the old skool Tiësto trance sound in this track.

14. D'Alt Vila - Breathing
A perfect, beautiful melody to end the compilation with.

When I finally listened to the whole CD, both part one and two in one take, I felt I was in a different zone! I hope you'll feel the same and that you will enjoy this mix.

I gave it my best,


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